Apart from our business goals, PVCB Capital is committed to social activities as one of our important missions.
PVCB Capital team actively participates in various campaigns with the aim to promote public health, environment, solidarity and patriotism of the society. The activities we have carried out or participated in include blood donations, stone contribution campaign for Truong Sa, organization of trips to various areas throughout the country to learn about Vietnamese history and heritages. PVCB Capital also organizes charitable donations to help disadvantaged people in the remote areas, visits and bring meaningful gifts to patients at Vietnam National Cancer Hospital, National Hospital of Pediatrics and to orphans in the remote and difficult areas.
We believe that corporate social responsibilities enhance unity and integrality among staff in the company;
We believe that contribution to the society helps strengthen our combination with the community; and we believe that social activities are one of the ways to promote the image and prestige of PVCB Capital.