SIP is a systematic investment program in a period of time, whereby investors will commit to pay a minimum investment amount periodically (monthly or quarterly) to buy fund certificates (CCQ).
How to join SIP: Month or Quarter
Minimum enrollment time: 12 months
- Allow investors to spend a certain amount of money to buy CCQ regularly in a certain period of time
- Issuance fee incentive: reduced 30% compared to normal investment program
- The average purchase price in the period is lower than the normal purchase price
- Minimum investment is VND 1,000,000 / month or VND 3,000,000 / quarter
- Payment before 17:00 on the 10th of every month (SIP monthly) or after 10 January 04/07/10 (Quarterly SIP)
- Service fee is applied if the investor terminates the program before 1 year